
Literature - Unit 5

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  • What are the main features ofthe writers belonging to the LOST GENERATION?Name some of the exponents of the LOST GENERATION?
    American writers abroad, the expartiates in Europe. Ernest Hamingway and Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
  • Did the Treaty of Versailles respect Wilson's "Fourteen Points"?
    He was obliged to compromise on several points but his idea of a League of Nations was accepted.
  • What were the consequences of the economic crisis of October 1929?
    Stock prices plunged with a chained reaction in the nation's economy. Consequencies:unemployment&poverty.
  • What was the result of the attack on Pearl Harbour?
    The USA entered the Second World War.
  • When the First World War broke, how did President Wilson react?
    At first,he proclaimed American neutrality.When Belgium was invaded, the US helped Britain&France with money,arms&food.
  • What can you say about Roosevelt's foreign policy?
    He mediated the peace b/n Japan & Russia, awarded the 1906 Peace Nobel Prize;he made the Panama canal possible.
  • How did President Franklin D. Roosevelt face the great economic crisis?
    He faced the crisis with the New Deal, a compaign with 3 aims: RELIEF,RECOVERY,REFORM.
  • How did the Germans respond?
    With submarine warfare.
  • Which novelist gave a realistic picture of the Roaring Twenties? Explain.
    Francis Scott Fitzgerald."The Great Gatsby" gave a contrast b/n rich&poor;description of the ambitious people who tried to fulfil the American dream by ...
  • Give a short account of the main trends of American drama.
    Some playwrights focused on human isolation in a steril&mechanic world;others-more realistic rendering and social criticism.
  • Give an account of President Roosevelt's home policy.
    He limited the power of the monopolies and trusts, stopped corruption in government, he included control over the conservation of the nation's natural wealth.
  • Name the main features of the Arthur Miller's works?
    He fused realism with expressionistic techniques to express social criticism,hollowness of the Am. dream in modern times.
  • Name this building and the city it is situated in.
    Guggenheim museum in New York.
  • Why was NATO created?
    It was created as a consequence of the Cold War. Its aim:a defensive and political alliance of EU states,Canada and the USA.
  • What were the causes and the consequences of the MARSHAL PLAN?
    Cause:fear of communism spread.Consequenses:it gave food and resources to the EU countries,rise of EU economies,ties to the USA.
  • Who is recognized as a playwright of the South? Name what characteristics he used.
    Tennessee Williams. He used: expressionistic techniques(the inner agony)combined with realistic rendering of the southern scene,esp. among lower classes.
  • Why did the USA declare war on Germany in 1917?
    Germany closed the seas to American shipping,sank 8 US ships and began sabotaging US industries.