
FCE / CAE: Speak for a minute about.....

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  • Something you used to do when you were a child ("Every Saturday, I used to go swimming").
  • A job you think you might enjoy doing in the future and why.
  • This photo, and who the people in it might be. (they could be / might be / I guess / perhaps)
  • An interesting or unusual experience that you have had (I've met.....I've been to.....)
  • Something (or some things) you have been doing recently e.g. "I have been spending a lot of time with my cousins".
  • Something you do to keep in shape OR a time when you were ill and how long it took you to get back on your feet.
  • The effect of modern lifestyles on our health.....
  • Tell your partner about a resource in the coursebook that could help you improve, and why it would be particularly useful for you.
  • Something you tend to do at the weekends. (I often / I tend to / I usually / I normally)
  • Someone in your family who you look up to (admire) and why.
  • Something (or some things) that you can't stand..... (e.g. I can't stand getting up early. I'm a night person).
  • What you did last summer
  • Make a list of words with -er and -or, being careful not to pronounce the r. Tip - professions (doctor, factory worker) and comparatives (better, slower).
  • The last time you HAD a great time
  • The advantages and disadvantages of social media
  • The last time you felt, or a time when you usually feel, annoyed / disappointed / delighted / upset.
  • Any tips you can remember for different parts of the FCE / CAE exam.
  • Whether you are more of a mountain or beach person (making sure to pronounce MOUNTAIN correctly).
  • Talk about a career you are interested in and a degree or qualification that you would need to take to do that.
  • Two people you know who are very different, using comparison language.
  • Something that you found difficult at first, but you are used to now.
  • If you are busy at the moment, explaining why or why not (make sure to pronounce busy correctly)
  • Tell your partner about any typical mistakes you know that Catalan / Spanish speakers make in writing.