
Past Simple

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  • Tina ..........(pracować) very hard last year.
    Tina worked very hard last year.
  • I .........(rozmawiać) with my boss two weeks ago.
    I spoke with my boss two weeks ago.
  • My best friend ............(przyjść) to my birthday party.
    My best friend came to my birthday party.
  • I ........(widzieć) five dogs on the street last night.
    I saw five dogs on the street last night.
  • My friend ........(nie przyjechać) in Poland last week.
    My friend didn't arrive in Poland last week.
  • It ..............(nie padać) yesterday.
    It didn't rain yesterday.
  • My cat ............(widzieć) a lion in the mirror.
    My cat saw a lion in the mirror.
  • She ..........(widzieć) you yesterday.
    She saw you yesterday.
  • My cat ............(widzieć) a lion in the mirror.
    My cat saw a lion in the mirror.
  • He didn't .........(brać) any photos of the Queen last summer.
    She didn't take any photos of the Queen last summer.
  • She ...........(nie smiać się) yesterday.
    She didn't smile yesterday.
  • They ...........(spotkać się) in the park last Sunday.
    They met at the park last Monday.
  • What ......... she .........(oglądać) yesterday?
    What did she watch yesterday?
  • We ........(nie pomagać) our mum in the kitchen last Sunday.
    We didn't help our mumin the kitchen last Sunday.
  • They............ (wygrać) a school competition.
    They won a school competition.
  • .......they....... (czy oni iść) to the cinema last week?
    Did they go to the cinema last week?
  • My dad ..........(zepsuć) our new TV last night.
    My dad broke our new TV last night.
  • (czy pisać) a letter to your friend last weekend?
    Did you write a letter to your friend last weekend?
  • ........they....... (czy oni biegać) last weekend.
    Did they run last weekend.
  • She .........(brać) two painkillers two hours ago.
    She took two painkillers two hours ago.
  • My aunt .......(być) at the library yesterday.
    My aunt was at the library yesterday.