
Fruit of the Spirit

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  • Who was Jesus's mother?
  • Why is it called Christmas?
    Its a special service (mass) for Christ - Christ-mass
  • Why can we be joyful even in difficult circumstances?
    Because the joy of the Lord does not depend on our circumstances
  • John 14:27 Because Jesus gives us His peace, He also said "Do not let your hearts be....." (1) greedy (2) wicked (3) troubled
    (3) troubled
  • Where was Jesus born?
    In a stable in Bethlehem
  • For God so loves the ......, that He gave His one and only Son. (1) world (2) fishes (3) pizza
    (1) world
  • Who is the best example of having the fruit of the spirit?
  • John 15:5 Who are the branches?
    Those who believe in Jesus, you and I
  • Why did Jesus' family have to travel to Bethlehem?
    The Roman census made everyone return to their hometown and Joseph's hometown was Bethlehem
  • Who told Mary and Joseph about Jesus' birth?
    The angle Gabriel
  • The joy of the Lord is our...... Nehemiah 8:10
  • John 14:27 Is God's peace the same as the world's peace?
  • Where does true peace come from?
  • The the Bible tell about Jesus' coming?
  • Name one aspect of the fruit of the Spirit? Galatians 5:22-23
    love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control