
Kid´s Box 4 - Hello there

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  • Translate the sentence - Tu a veces cantas
    You sometimes sing
  • What is this?
    Get dressed
  • Translate the sentence - Mas callado que
    Quieter than
  • Translate the sentence - Mas limpio que
    Cleaner than
  • Translate the sentence - Nosotros siempre cocinamos
    We always cook
  • Translate the sentence - Yo siempre estudio
    I always study
  • What is this?
    Have breakfast
  • Translate the sentence - Ellos nunca balian
    They never dance
  • Translate the sentence - Mas alto que
    Taller than
  • Translate the sentence - Mas largo que
    Longer than
  • What is this?
    Get up
  • Translate the sentence - Tu nunca comes
    You never eat
  • Translate the sentence - Mas listo que
    Cleverer than
  • What is this?
    Wake up
  • What is this?
    Have a wash
  • What is this?
    Brush your teeth