
linking words and text organisers

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  • We phoned the hotel to complain as we'd had such terrible service. BECAUSE We phoned the hotel to complain ........ the bad service we'd had.
    because of
  • The hotels we saw were rather expensive, and CONSEQUENTLY / MOREOVER the actual facilities on offer were not always impressive.
  • Put one word in the space: ____ conclusion, I would like to thank you for your help
  • Many people feel nervous about flying and worry about the possibility of an accident. FURTHERMORE / HOWEVER, according to statistics flying is actually safer than walking down the street
  • AS A RESULT / FOR EXAMPLE, our peaceful way of life will be destroyed forever
    as a result
  • There are a number of objections to the planned motorway. AS WELL AS THIS / FIRST OF ALL, the new road will destroy valuable farming land. IN CONTRAST / IN ADDITION TO THIS , it will bring thousands of vehicles and tourists.
  • Put one word in the space: The radio is expensive, but ___ the other hand it has good reception
  • We decided to go ahead with the meeting even _________ not all the delegates could make it
  • Science has not changed the way we think. ___ instance we still talk about sunrise ____________ we know it is the earth moving not the sun
    for / although
  • I'm going to night school so that I can improve my German. ORDER I'm going to night school ........ improve my German.
    in order to / in order that I can
  • Put one word in the space: John is a hard worker, as ___ as this he is completely reliable
  • Because of the accident on the motorway, motorists are advised to use an alternative route. CONSEQUENCE Motorists should find an alternative route ........ an accident on the motorway.
    as a consequence of
  • Our local supermarket no longer opens every day AS / ON ACCOUNT OF very few people live in our village
  • The captain won't be playing today because of a bad injury. DUE ........ that the captain has a bad injury, he won't be playing today.
    Due to the fact
  • Put one word in the space: First ____ all, it is said that hard work results in success
  • Choose 'despite', 'however' or 'although'. __________ the rain, we still went to the park
  • Put one word in the space: The flight was delayed ___ a result of the high winds
  • The college was closed for a month owing to the summer holidays. RESULT The college was closed for a month ........ the summer holidays.
    as a result of