
Written in Bone Brain Game

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  • What was Mark Moore astounded to learn about the lead-coffin lady?
    hair containing very high levels of arsenic.
  • The location of James Fort was confirmed by the
    triangular shape and pattern of the soil stains the archaeologists found.
  • A person's age at the time of death is
    one of the first things forensic anthropologists try to determine when they examine remains.
  • The skull of the teenage girl from Harleigh Knoll was reproduced with
    a computerized tomography scan or CT scan.
  • Owsley speculated that the Leavy Neck boy had died as a result of
    an altercation that got out of hand
  • What did Owsley do after JR1225B's skeleton was measured in situ?
    He took a close look at the arrowhead that was found near the boy's femur.
  • The stratigraphy of the lead-coffin site's soil wall indicated that the
    tiny coffin had been buried after the two large coffins
  • Why did Kelso conclude that the captain was Bartholomew Gosnold?
    His status would have warranted placing a leading staff in his grave.
  • What made the archaeologists think JR1225B's body had been shrouded?
    His legs were positioned close together with the toes pointed upward.
  • The creation of facial reconstructions perfectly illustrates how
    two seemingly different disciplines-science and art can complement each other.
  • What did Oswley and Bruwelheide conclude about the lead-coffin baby?
    Rickets and anemia lead to her death.
  • HK9 showed signs of DISH, which had caused...
    some of the vertebrae to fuse together
  • HK9 and HK7 were both remains found at the Harleigh Knoll burial site
    which scientists believed to be of African ancestry.
  • The second lead coffin contained the remains of
    a 60 year old woman who possible died from a poison known as arsenic.
  • What caused a rise in the rate of decay in colonists' teeth?
    eating a corn-based diet
  • Because the backfill soil contains the mixed soils of the excavated layers
    it is a different color than the soil that forms the walls of the grave shaft.
  • Scientists use stable isotope analysis to estimate
    how long a person lived in America after arriving from Europe.