
Quadratic equation and discriminant

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  • Find the value of the discriminant and the number of solutions
  • Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
    (5,0) (-3,0)
  • Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation. and the number of solutions.
    D=24 two solutions
  • Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
    (3,0) (1,0)
  • Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation.
    D=44 2 real solutions
  • Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation.
    d=-44 No real solution
  • Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation.
    D=-84 no real solution
  • Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
    (1,0) (2.5,0)
  • Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation.
    D=-23 no real solution
  • Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
    (1,0) (-0.5,0)
  • Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation.
    D=8 2 real solutions
  • Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
    x=5/2 x=-4
  • Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
    (4,0) (6,0)
  • Solve each equation with the quadratic formula.
    x=-1 x=5/2
  • Find the value of the discriminant of each quadratic equation.
    D=0 1 solution