
The Outsiders - Exposition Review

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  • Pony says about this character, "He knew cars upside down and backward and he could drive anything on wheels. He didn't like me and I liked him only because he was Soda's best friend".
    Steve Randle
  • True or False? At the end of Chapter 3, Pony decides he's never going back home. He and Johnny head for the soccer field at their high school to make a plan.
  • This character is looking for Dallas, because he knows that Dallas slashed the tires on his car.
    Tim Shepard
  • Why does Two-Bit throw away the piece of paper with Marcia's phone number on it?
    He knows it's probably a fake number.
  • Which character observed that, "It's not just money. You greasers have a different set of values. You're more emotional".
    Cherry Valance
  • Pony says that this character "isn't ever sorry for anything he does" and that his eyes are like "two pieces of pale blue-green ice".
  • According to Pony, this character is missing "the shade of difference that separates a greaser from a hood". He describes his eyes as "blue, blazing ice, cold with a hatred of the whole world".
    Dallas Winston
  • This character shocked Pony & Dallas when he told Dallas to back off and stop bothering Cherry.
    Johnny Cade
  • Pony thinks that Cherry's boyfriend, Bob, was one of the guys who had beaten Johnny so badly. What is ONE thing that caused him to figure that out?
    Bob drives a blue Mustang OR Bob wears rings
  • This character once explained to Pony that he couldn't help making fun of cops when he saw them because he felt that "it brightened up their dull lives".
    Two-Bit Matthews
  • Pony was supposed to be home by 12am. Instead, he doesn't get home until 2am. Why was he so late?
    He and Johnny fell asleep in the vacant lot.
  • In what point-of-view is the narrator telling the story?
    First person
  • Who said, "A fair fight isn't rough. It blows off steam better than anything. There's nothing wrong with throwing a few punches".
    Two-Bit Matthews
  • What is the name of Soda's girlfriend, whom he would like to marry someday?
  • True or False? Mickey Mouse was a horse that Pony's brother, Soda bought with his own money..