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  • Where is Zea Tongeman from?
    United Kingdom
  • Where else has Kelvin appeared?
    He has appeared on CNN and NBC News
  • How old was Kelvin when he won the competition?
    He was 15
  • What things has Kelvin made?
    He has built a battery, a generator and a radio station
  • What is the app called Zea Tongemand and a friend designed?
    Jazzy Recycling
  • When was Kelvin Doe born?
    He was born during Sierra Leone's civil war
  • What are favelas?
    Poor neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro
  • How old was he when he wrote his first book?
    He was 19 years old
  • What was the generator for?
    To provide electricity in his neighborhood
  • What materials were use to make a radio station?
    Recycled materials
  • Where is Rene Silva from?
    He is from Brazil
  • When Rene was 11, what did a teacher suggest?
    Set up a neighborhood newspaper
  • What was the name of the school where he spoke to students?
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Kelvin is a self taught?
  • When Kelvin was 11 what did he dig for? Why?
    He dug for electronic parts to create things
  • When Rene was 17 what happen?
    He become famous for his tweets
  • How do you use Jazzy Recycling?
    They can then scan, share and get rewards through the app
  • How old was Kelvin when the war ended?
    He was six
  • How many views does the film about Kelvin have?
    It has a few million views
  • What is Rene interested in?
    He is interested in computer games, soccer and music and favelas
  • How does Jazzy Recycling help?
    It helps users find recycling locations and shows them what to recycle.
  • What is Jazzy Recycling?
    An app to get people to recycle by making the task into a game