
Backpack 4: Simple Past

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  • What did Dora and Isa do yesterday?
    They did gymnastics.
  • What did Bibi do before class?
    She brushed her teeth.
  • What did the boy do in the morning?
    He rode a bike.
  • What did you have for dessert?
    I had ice-cream.
  • What did your mother do this morning?
    She cooked.
  • What did you see under the table?
    I saw a roach!
  • Where did your friends go?
    They went to the movies.
  • What did Isis do on the weekend?
    She watched TV
  • What did you do last class?
    We made a card for mother's day.
  • What did Luana do yesterday?
    She studied Math.
  • What did the teacher do on Friday?
    She told the kids a story.
  • What did you watch on TV?
    I watched the news.
  • What did they do yesterday?
    They played games.
  • What did the kids do on Sunday?
    They played in the park