
Life 3 unit 10 review

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  • she sings a beautiful song
    a beautiful song is sung by her
  • we teachs kids every week
    kids are taught every week
  • cars emit lots of co2 every day
    lots of co2 is emited every day
  • People bought all the decorations at the store
    all the decorations at the store were bought
  • she called me last night
    I was called last night
  • we didn't buy the tv
    the tv wasn't bought by us
  • people don't eat enough fruit
    not enough fruit is eaten
  • you can teach old dogs new tricks
    old dogs can be taught new tricks
  • last year, we chose a new mayor for our town
    last year, a new mayor was chosen for our town
  • you can achieve a good grade
    a good grade can be achieved