
Teens 3 - Teen Track 3 - Ruling Together

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  • Say something you will not eat tomorrow.
    I won't eat...
  • Say how many tests you have got every month.
    I have got.... tests.
  • Say a family rule for sleeping late.
    I can't sleep after...
  • Say what your home rule is for watching TV.
    I can't watch TV after.... There is no rule for watching TV.
  • Say a school rule for going home before the end of classes.
    I can go home before the end of classes if my parents give authorization.
  • Say the name of the car someone in your family has got.
    My father/uncle/... has got a ...
  • Say what you think about school rules.
    They are easy / difficult/ weird.
  • Say what your favourite toy is.
    My favourite toy is...
  • Say how much milk your family drinks every week. (use carton)
    We drink _______ cartons of milk.
  • Say a personal rule for brushing the teeth.
    I must / have to brush my ....
  • Say a personal rule for doing homework.
    I must / have to ....
  • Say a game you will play on Sunday
    I will play...
  • Say a personal rule for using the internet.
    I can use the internet for..... hours.