
Halloween Questions

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  • Would you rather turn into a bat and fly with wings or turn into a witch and fly on a broom? Why?
  • Ask a group member about their favorite Halloween treat! Don't forget a follow up question!
    I like it!
  • Can you guess Mrs. Woodworth's favorite candy? Why?
  • Ask a friend a Would You Rather question
    Would You Rather?
  • What's something spooky that's happened to you or someone you know?
  • Do you prefer painting pumpkins or carving pumpkins? Why?
    Jack o'lanterns!
  • Would you rather be a vampire or a mummy? Why?
    I like it!
  • What is your favorite Halloween movie? Why?
    Scary or funny?
  • What is the best Halloween costume you've ever seen? Why was it the best?
    That's right!
  • Ask a group member about their favorite Halloween character. Don't forget to ask a follow up question!
    Casper? Dracula?
  • What is your favorite Halloween treat? Why?
  • Would you rather be a ghost or a witch? Why?
    I like it!
  • What is your LEAST favorite candy? Why?
    EWWWWW David!
  • Ask a friend about their Halloween plans. Don't forget your follow up question!
  • If we were in a zombie apocalypse, who would you choose on your team and why?
  • If you had to spend the night in an abandoned house, what 3 items would you take with you?
    Good idea!
  • Ask a group member about their favorite part about Halloween. Don't forget a follow up question!
  • Do you prefer trick or treating or handing out candy? Why?
    Me too!
  • Ask a group member about their weekend plans. Don't forget to ask your follow up question!
    That sounds fun!
  • Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
    They're here!!
  • If you could replace Halloween with any other holiday, what would it be?
    Holidays are fun!