
P4 Fantastic Stories Review Game

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  • How do we start a fairytale? Once ________ ___ ______
    Once upon a time...
  • In the story we read, the knight made?
    Stone Soup
  • Snow White's stepmother gave her a poisoned ___________. 
  • Think of three adjectives to describe dragons
    terrifying, fierce, scary...
  • Can you reorder this sentence? half / mermaid / A / is /  and / fish /  half / woman 
    A mermaid is half woman and half fish
  • Name three fairytale characters.
    Princess, Prince, King, Queen, Knight, Dragon...
  • Can you put this sentence in past tense? The giant wakes up when Jack steals the golden harp.
    The giant woke up when Jack stole the golden harp.
  • What is this? Who might use it?
    A magic wand, A witch/wizard/fairy
  • Who is this? Name three adjectives to describe him.
    Wizard / Wise, Intelligent, Kind...
  • What is this creature?
    Yeti / Monster
  • How did the frog prince turn into a handsome prince?
    He was kissed by the princess.
  • Can you reorder this sentence? giant's / the / up / beanstalk / climbed / to / He /castle/ the
    He climbed up the beanstalk to the giant's castle.
  • What is this mythical creature?
    A unicorn
  • What does a pirate need to find his treasure?
    A map