
Simple past interrogative

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  • We always write a verb after the auxiliary "did" in questions. (TRUE or FALSE)
  • No, my sister didn't study Art in primary school. (Ask a question?)
    Did your sister study Art in primary school?
  • I had three dogs and two cats when I was a child. (Ask a question)
    How many dogs and cats did you have when you were a child?
  • Tony took this photo. (Ask a question?)
    Who took this photo?
  • Yes, we spent 3 weeks with our uncle. (Ask a question?)
    Did you spend 3 weeks with your uncle?
  • In Yes/no questions we can conjugate the verb. (TRUE/FALSE)
  • Columbus discovered America in 1492. (Ask a question?)
    When did Columbus discover America?
  • Did your brother had his breakfast this morning? - correct the question
    Did your brother have his breakfast this morning?
  • She read 4 books last summer. (Ask a question?)
    How many books did she read last summer?
  • Yes, Sami was born in winter. (Ask a question?)
    Was Sami born in winter?
  • They got married in Paris. (Ask a question?)
    Where did they get married?
  • Who did steal your money? - (correct the question)
    Who stole your money?
  • I bought a new blue thirt and shoes yestetday. (Ask a question?)
    What did you buy yesterday?
  • Yes, Barbara caught the criminal yesterday evening. (Ask a question?)
    Did Barbara catch the criminal yesterday evening?
  • No, they didn't do their homework last week. (Ask a question?)
    Did they do their homework last week?
  • He broke the window because he was angry. (Ask a question?)
    Why did he break the window?
  • Sandra met her cousin in 2010. (Ask a question?)
    When did Sandra meet her cousin?
  • Mark Zuckerberg Founded FACEBOOK in 2004. (Ask a question)
    When did Mark found FACEBOOK?