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  • The biggest Halloween carnival in Great Britain takes place in the city of ____________.
  • Before curving pumpkins for Halloween, people carved ______________ or _______________.
    Turnips / Potatoes
  • In America a popular Halloween trick is to throw _____________________ in the street.
    Toilet paper
  • One of the most popular games played in Halloween has a romantic origin. What is it?
    Apple Bobbing
  • The word Halloween derives from the expression __________________
    All Hallows Eve
  • What is the most popular Halloween costume in 2021?
    Squid Game
  • Stingy Jack was the name of the man who gives the name to ________________
    Jack O'Lantern
  • At the beginning, Halloween celebrated the end of____________ and the beginning of _____________
    Harvest / winter
  • When the Church decided to turn this pagan festivity into a religious celebration, November 1st was designated ________________________ Day to honour our beloved dead.
    All Saints
  • Halloween first started with the _______________, _________________ years ago
    Celts / 2000
  • Stingy Jack tricked the _____________. He invited him for a _______________ and then he refused to pay, so he convinced him to turn into a ________________.
    Devil / drink / coin
  • What is the Gaelic name that the Celts gave to Halloween?
  • According to the belief, Halloween was the time of the year when the __________ and the ___________ came together.
    dead / living
  • When the Irish emigrated to _________________ brought the custom of halloween with them
  • At the beginning, people gathered and lit __________________ to scare away the dead and the ghosts