
Halloween Riddles

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  • I am tall when I’m young, I’m short when I’m old, and every Halloween I stand up inside Jack O’Lanterns. What am I?
    A candle
  • Who is old, has a white beard, performs magic but is forgotten on Halloween?
    Santa Claus
  • It is thanks to this item that you can sweep the floor. It’s also used by witches so they can fly and soar. What is it?
    A broomstick
  • I have no feet to dance, I have no eyes to see, I have no life to live or die but yet I do all three. What am I?
  • I am a body with a leg, an arm, and a head but I look like I am naked and bare. What am I?
    A skeleton
  • I am wrapped but I am not a gift, I am kept neatly in a chamber and archaeologists find me as a great treasure. What am I?
    A mummy
  • Look in my face, I am somebody. Look in my back, I am nobody. What am I?
    A mirror
  • You can find me from head to toe, I am a liquid, I make some people faint and I am in every living being you know. What am I?
  • Where do ghosts, mummies, and zombies love to swim?
    The Dead Sea
  • When is it bad luck to see black cat?
    When you are a mouse
  • A zombie, a mummy, and a ghost bought a house. It has all of the usual rooms except for one. Which one?
    The living room
  • A vampire’s biggest fear, but a chef’s favourite ingredient. What is it?
  • I can fly, but not with a broom. I sleep all day, but not in a bed. You cannot know my real age and I seem alive but I am dead. Who am I?
    A vampire
  • I am home to one, enemy to another. I am silky smooth, but I am never desired. What am I?
    A spider-web
  • The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?
    A coffin
  • I am scary, and when you have more of me, you will see only less. What am I?
  • If you see one flying around you’d better be careful at night, as some turn into vampires and will give your neck a big bite. What are they?