
Halloween Trivia for Biggins

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  • What does "Scaredy pants" mean
    Scared easily, ex: My sister is a scaredy pants when it comes to haunted houses.
  • What was the name for the pagan festival before it was called Halloween?
  • What does "Makes my skin crawl" mean
    Creeps you out or makes you uncomfortable, ex: It makes my skin crawl when people crunch ice cubes.
  • What do vampires have to bite you with?
  • What do witches cook in?
    A cauldron
  • What did the Celt's believe happend on October 31st?
    it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth.
  • What do witches ride on?
    A broom
  • What is the name of the person who changes under the full moon?
  • Who was the actor who defined Dracula's Image we know today?
    Bela Lugosi
  • What is the name of this?
    A skull
  • What is the name of this place?
    A haunted house
  • Where do Vampires Sleep?
    In Coffins
  • Why do we have a holiday on 1st November?
    As the pope made all souls day, now all saints day, a day of observance
  • Which country does Halloween originate from?
  • What was the name people called halloween in the past (not the Celtic name)?
    All Hallow's Eve
  • What does "Skeleton in the closet" mean
    To have a secret. ex: Jim has a skeleton in his closet.
  • Unscramble this spooky character Thogs
  • Who has written a famous book called Dracula?
    Bram Stoker
  • Unscramble this spooky character - Noblig
  • True or False: A pumpkin is a fruit?
  • Name any phrasal verbs to do with Halloween
    dress up, put on a costume, freak out
  • What is a carved pumpkin called?