
Past Tense Irregular Verbs

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  • How many students came to class today?
    # students came to class.
  • What did you drink this morning?
    I drank...
  • How many books did you read /reed/ last month?
    I read /red/ ___ books.
  • What did you wear yesterday?
    I wore...
  • What did you buy for the party?
    I bought...
  • What did you give your friend or family member for their birthday?
    I gave him/her...
  • How did you get to school today?
    I got to school by car/bus. I walked to school.
  • Who did you see yesterday?
    I saw....
  • How much money did you spend yesterday?
    I spent $__.
  • How did you sleep last night?
    I slept very well/ okay/ terribly.
  • What time did you wake up this morning?
    I woke up at...
  • Where did you go last weekend?
    I went...
  • What song did you sing this morning?
    I sang...
  • What time did you leave your house this morning?
    I left my house at ...
  • What did you bring for lunch?
    I brought...
  • What did you have for dinner last night?
    I had...
  • What did you make for breakfast this morning?
    I made...
  • What did you choose to drink last night?
    I chose...
  • What time did class begin?
    The class began at 8:00.
  • What did you do yesterday?
    I went to the store. I cooked dinner.
  • What did you eat for breakfast?
    I ate...