
The Raven

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  • A paragraph or group of lines in a poem is called a
  • What color does the poet mention?
  • How many trochees are in the last line of each stanza?
  • The references to Plutonian, Pallas, Nepenthe, Aidenn and Balm in Gilead are
    allusions--from classical mythology and the Bible
  • A trochee puts the stress or accent on which syllable?
    the first, third, fifth, etc.
  • What is the source of the speaker's discomfort?
  • When the speaker opened the door, what did he see?
    "darkness there and nothing more"
  • What did the shadows of the dying fire look like to the speaker?
  • From where does the speaker think the raven learned the word __________ from?
    His former master - "caught from some unhappy master"
  • What does craven mean?
  • Where did the raven sit in the room?
    on the statue of Pallas Athena.
  • How does the speaker feel in the opening line of the poem?
    weak and weary
  • What metaphor does the speaker use to describe how he feels when he returns to his chamber in stanza 6?
    "all my soul within me burning"
  • The speaker asks the raven "is there balm in Gilead", but what does he mean by this?
    Is there a solution to the grief he feels over the "lost Lenore".
  • The Night's Plutonian shore is an indirect reference to
  • What do we call the accented beats that form the rhythm of a poem?
  • How did the raven enter the room?
    through the window
  • What is the final word of the poem?
  • In stanza 4, the speaker's mood changes from fearful to ______________.
    Brave / comparatively courageous
  • What adverb does Poe use to describe the way in which the "rapping" took place in the first stanza?
  • In what month does the poem take place?
  • How does the raven act as he enters through the window?
    "...with mien or lord or lady"
  • What is the meter of the poem?
    trochaic octameter
  • "...weak and weary" is an example of
  • Poe chooses "yore, floor, more, door, before, Lenore," etc. for the sake of
  • What was the speaker trying to "still" by "repeating" in stanza three?
    The beating of his heart
  • What was "curious" about the "lore" read by the speaker?
    it was "forgotten"
  • Most of the conflict and dialogue in the poem is
  • In the "balm in Gilead" line, what does the raven mean by "nevermore"?
    That there is no solution to the speaker's grief.
  • Which of the following best expresses the theme of the poem?
    grief, horror and despair
    boredom, indifference, and acceptance
    panic, superstition and insanity
    sorrow, hope and eventual peace