
Summit 2_Unit 8 review

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  • Pick a card. Use: It's essential that...
  • Pick a card. Use : It's crucial that....
    Suggest sth
  • Say an idiom that means 'DO NADA'
    out of the blue
  • How do you call a person who has knowledge about practical matters?
  • Pick a card. Use it's recommended that.....
  • Use DID to emphasize something you liked as a child
    I did like....
  • How do you call a person who considers new ideas
  • How do you call a person who has a talent to learn lggs?
    The person has a knack for learning languages
  • Say an idiom that means "NÃO CONSIGO EVITAR, ME CONTROLAR"
    I can't help it!
  • Use DO to emphasize something you like
    I do like/enjoy......
  • How do you call a person who is good at noticing what people are feeling/thinking?
  • Pick a card> Use: It's important that
    Suggest sth
  • How do you call a person who is good at math?
    The person has a head for figures
  • How do you call a person who never considers new ideas
  • Use DO to emphasize something your mom likes
    She doe like/enjoy......