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  • What's this?
    finger protector for cutting
  • What's this zoomed object?
  • What's this?
    egg separator
  • Who's this?
    Carl Benz, inventor of the car
  • What is it for?
    That little arrow tells you which side of your car the fuel cap is located on.
  • Who's this
    Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone
  • What is it for?
    French sailors used to wear hats with the pom-poms on them so they wouldn’t bang their head on the low ceilings of the ship
  • What's this zoomed object?
  • What's this?
    inflatable car bed
  • What is it for?
    Basically, this tiny hole is a microphone
  • Who's this?
    Tim-Berners Lee, inventor of the internet
  • What's this zoomed object?
  • What's this zoomed object?
  • Who's this?
    Edward Jenner, inventor of vaccine
  • What's this?
    avocado slicer
  • What's this?
    oven mitts
  • What is it for?
    Candy manufacturers actually melt candy into that hole so the head of the lollipop stays attached to the stick rather than coming loose and falling off
  • What's this zoomed object?
  • Who are these?
    The Wright brothers, inventors of the airplane
  • What's this?
    baby cleaning mop romper
  • What is it for?
    It's a watch pocket, originally for men who wore pocket watches
  • Who's this?
    Mark Zuckerberg, inventor of facebook
  • What's this zoomed object?
    stop sign
  • What is it for?
    The symbol tells you how long the product will stay good after it's been opened in months.