
Halloween superstitions

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  • Walking under a ladder is good luck
    False: walking under a ladder is bad luck
  • If you eat a large apple under an apple tree at midnight on Halloween wearing only a bedsheet, you would never get a cold
  • If the cat is washing its face, you will have 7 years of bad luck
    False: if the cat is washing its face, you can expect guests soon
  • Hanging horseshoes over their fireplace is good luck
  • You should wave a fiery stick for good luck on Halloween
  • If you see a black cat crossing the street, you will have bad luck
  • Opening an umbrella inside is bad luck
  • If you break a mirror, you will have 7 years of bad luck
  • Crossing your fingers is considered a way to get away with telling a lie
  • Dreams from Friday to Saturday simply come true
    False: dreams from Thursday to Friday simply come true
  • If a single girl sits at the corner of a table, she will not marry for at least 7 more years
  • A person born on Halloween can see and talk to spirits.
    Who knows? Maybe (True)
  • If someone sneezes while telling you something, they're lying to you
    False: if someone sneezes while telling you something, they're telling the truth
  • You should touch wood for good luck