
Murder in the Library

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  • What was seen in the kitchen?
    In the kitchen, there were some potatoes in the sink.
  • What was found on the front door?
    There was some oil on the handle of the front door
  • What was found in the hall?
    here was a white handkerchief on the floor in the hall.
  • What was seen in the dining room?
    In the dining room, there was a broken plate on the floor.
  • Where was he when he died?
    He was found dead lying on the floor of the library
  • What wasn't found on the gun?
    There were no fingerprints on it.
  • What was seen in the dining room?
    In the dining room, there was a broken plate on the floor.
  • When did he die?
    He died yesterday.
  • What was seen in the dining room?
    In the dining room, there was a broken plate on the floor.
  • What was seen in the living room?
    In the living room, the television was on.
  • What was on the desk?
    There was an empty cup on the desk.
  • Who else was at the house at the time?
    There were four other people in the house that afternoon: Wilson, the butler; Mrs Clare, the cook; Adams, the chauffeur and Mr Ross's stepdaughter, Donna.
  • Who was John Ross?
    He was a film star.
  • What was each person doing?
    Adams was outside. He was repairing the car. Mrs Clare was in the kitchen. She was peeling potatoes to make a cottage pie, and Donna Ross was watching televisio
  • Where were the fingerprints found?
    There were fingerprints on the window, the cup and the handle of the library door.
  • What was found on the window?
    There were fingerprints on the window.
  • What was found next to Mr. John Ross's body?
    a gun
  • Whose fingerprints were found?
    They were the fingerprints of John Ross and Wilson, the butler.