
Halloween Trivia 2021

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  • What is the “correct” spelling of Halloween?
    Halloween was originally spelled “Hallowe’en,” a contraction of “All Hallows Even.”
  • Unscramble this: UKINPMP
  • How many calories are in an average trick-or-treater’s Halloween stash?
    About over 10000
  • What is the most popular Halloween candy in America?
  • How many pounds of candy corn are produced each year?
    A whopping 35 million pounds of candy corn is made every year—amounting to about 9 billion pieces.
  • Why are black cats associated with Halloween (and bad luck)?
    The Puritans associated black cats with witchcraft, leading to the onyx-colored felines’ association with Halloween. In many other cultures, black cats are act
  • Unscramble this: IAYRF
  • What is the most commercially successful horror movie of all time?
  • Why did people start dressing up in Halloween costumes?
    Many Europeans, including the Celtics, dressed in costumes to repel spirits that they believed came back to Earth on what we now know as Halloween.