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  • What's the correct order of this negative sentence: are/they/doing/homework/not
    They are not doing homework
  • What is Kim doing?
    She's taking a nap/she's sleeping
  • What's the correct order of this affirmative sentence: reading/Tony/is/a/book
    Tony is reading a book
  • What is Logan doing?
    He's taking a bath
  • What's the correct order of this affirmative sentence: teeth/Andy/his/brushing/is
    Andy is brushing his teeth
  • What's the correct order of this interrogative sentence: eating/you/are/what ?
    What are you eating?
  • What's the correct order of this negative sentence: I/drinking/not/am/alcohol
    I am not drinking alcohol
  • What is Bob doing?
    He is washing the dishes
  • What is Homer doing?
    Homer is watching TV/a movie, etc
  • What is Samantha doing?
    Samantha is cooking a meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner)
  • What's the correct order of this interrogative sentence: listening/are/music/to/you ?
    Are you listening to music?
  • What is Ana doing?
    She is checking her twitter/social media/phone, etc