
Social Group

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  • You asked a friend to hang out on the weekend a few times but each time they say they're busy. What should you do?
    Ask another friend to hang out or plan ahead of time and ask them to hang out next weekend
  • You are sitting in class and your friend beside you farts, what do you do?
    Ignore it or look at your friends reaction. If your friend is embarrassed you can say "It's okay we all do it!" or if they ignore it, you can too!
  • What are 3 things that make someone a great friend
    Example - someone who is honest, supportive and someone you can have fun with!
  • Ask someone in the group..."What is your favourite holiday you have been on?"
    Nice one!
  • Think it or say it? I am in the lunch line and something smells funny. I say. "What's that gross smell!?"
    Think it! Why?
  • What would you do with a million dollars?
  • You are playing your favourite game and want to win but your friend ends up winning. What do you do?
    Be a good sport and say "good game" or "great job, maybe we can play again sometime"
  • You're swinging on your chair in class and suddenly you fall off. Is this an expected or unexpected behaviour?
  • If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
  • Think it or say it: "I don't like this dinner Mum, I think it's gross and I don't want to eat it!"
    Think of how it might make your mum feel and try and think of a different way to say it!
  • You're sitting down with the class during story time and someone lays down beside you. Is this an expected or unexpected behaviour?
  • You start talking and playing a game while the teacher is speaking. Is this an expected or unexpected behaviour?
  • Think it or say it: Your friend gets a hair cut. I say "your hair looked a lot better before" Do you think it or say it?
    Think it!
  • Think it or say it: My friend gave me a present I don't like and I say "Why did you get me this?". Do you think it or say it?
    Think it!
  • You use a quiet voice inside and a loud voice outside, are these expected or unexpected behaviours?
  • If you could make three wishes, what would they be?
    1, 2, 3
  • Ask someone in the group..."What is your favourite breakfast food?"
    Thats awesome!
  • If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
  • Ask someone in the group..."Do you like cats or dogs?"
    Great work!
  • How do you join a conversation that is already in progress?
    Politely say excuse me and ask what the topic of conversation is or join in talking about the same subject when someone pauses.
  • Name one big and one small problem
  • It is recess and you really want to play on the swings. However, no one is getting off. What should you do?
    Ask politely if you can have a turn or come back at lunch
  • Ask someone in the group..."What is your favourite food?"
    Nice one!
  • Ask someone in the group..."Do you like to play inside or outside?
  • Think it or say it: Your Grandma gives you a present and you say "Thanks for the present Grandma!". Do you think it or say it?
    Say it!
  • Name someone you trust. Why?
  • Think it or say it: I am in science class and I say "Want to hear about the cool book I'm reading?". Do you think it or say it?
    Think it!