
Grade 5 English - Stone Soup

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  • What was John's favorite belonging?
    A big iron pot.
  • Scarce means ....
    Very little or not enough.
  • What's your favorite color?
    BONUS POINTS! :-))
  • PEEKED means :
  • What does BLAZING mean?
    Very bright
  • True or False: The soup was delicious.
  • SIMMERED means ...
    Boiled slowly
  • What did the people bring to add to the stone soup?
    Carrots, potatoes, meat and onions.
  • What is your favorite food?
    :-) BONUS POINTS! :-))
  • What was the challenge John faced when he wanted to trade his pot for food?
    The people only had enough food for their own families. / They didn't have extra food to trade. / They didn't have enough food to give to John.
  • What is the boy in the Stone Soup story's name?
  • What is the meaning of GATHERED?
    Collected; brought together
  • CHARGE means :
    To suddenly run forward.
  • True or False: A cottage is a big house with many rooms.
  • What do we call the major events together?
    The plot
  • Draw an iron pot!
  • How did it help you to identify the events?
    It helped me understand the plot better. / It helped me understand the story.