
Context Clues

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  • The prince commanded a powerful army but the battle remained a bitter STALEMATE. What is a SYNONYM for STALEMATE: humiliated, successful, tie
  • But the eldest son felt disgraced believing the he alone should be the SOLE heir. What is a SYNONYM for SOLE: very old, hurt, only?
  • What is a SYNONYM and what is an ANTONYM?
    SYNONYM - same & ANTONYM - opposite
  • Not far from here there was a PROSPEROUS, flourishing kingdom. Which is a ANTONYM for PROSPEROUS: poor, deny, youngest?
  • On his deathbed, he PROCLAIMED the crown would not pass to the eldest. Which is a ANTONYM for PROCLAIMED: announced, denied, poor?
  • The FATE of this great kingdom was forever changed. What is a SYNONYM for FATE: humiliated, oldest, destiny?
  • On his deathbed, he PROCLAIMED the crown would not pass to the eldest. Which is a SYNONYM for PROCLAIMED: announced, very old, only?
  • He stalked the woods coming out to rest at an ANCIENT ring of stone. What is a ANTONYM for ANCIENT: very old, very new, broken?
    very new
  • He stalked the woods coming out to rest at an ANCIENT ring of stone. What is a SYNONYM for ANCIENT: very old, announced, broken?
    very old
  • Not far from here there was a PROSPEROUS, flourishing kingdom. Which is a SYNONYM for PROSPEROUS: humiliated, successful, tie?
  • But the eldest son felt DISGRACED believing the he alone should be the sole heir. What is a ANTONYM for DISGRACED: proud, deny, embarrassed?
  • With the armies of the brothers FRACTURED, the kingdoms collapsed into darkness. What is a SYNONYM for FRACTURED: destiny, broken, announced?
  • On his deathbed, he proclaimed the crown would not pass to the ELDEST. Which is a ANTONYM for ELDEST: oldest, youngest, many?
  • The prince COMMANDED a powerful army but the battle remained a bitter stalemate. What is a ANTONYM for COMMANDED: directed, unbroken, abandoned?
  • With the armies of the brothers fractured, the kingdoms COLLAPSED into darkness. What is a ANTONYM for COLLAPSED: deny, strengthened, fell apart?
  • With the armies of the brothers fractured, the kingdoms COLLAPSED into darkness. What is a SYNONYM for COLLAPSED: fell apart, reborn, grow?
    fell apart
  • The witch could see the WOUNDED soul behind his bluster. What is a ANTONYM for WOUNDED: hurt, victory, healed?
  • On his deathbed, he proclaimed the crown would not pass to the ELDEST. Which is a SYNONYM for ELDEST: destiny, humiliated, oldest?
  • The FATE of this great kingdom was forever changed. What is a ANTONYM for FATE: free will, destiny, many?
    free will
  • With the armies of the brothers FRACTURED, the kingdoms collapsed into darkness. What is a ANTONYM for FRACTURED: mended, broken, regretful?
  • But the eldest son felt DISGRACED believing the he alone should be the sole heir. What is a SYNONYM for DISGRACED: oldest, embarrassed, successful
  • The witch could see the WOUNDED soul behind his bluster. What is a SYNONYM for WOUNDED: hurt, only, tie?
  • The prince COMMANDED a powerful army but the battle remained a bitter stalemate. What is a SYNONYM for COMMANDED: directed, announce, heal?
  • But the eldest son felt disgraced believing the he alone should be the SOLE heir. What is a ANTONYM for SOLE: more than one, only, successful?