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  • Say in English: costas, ombro, cotovelo
    back, shoulder, elbow
  • Say in English: orelha, estômago, pé
    ear, stomach, foot
  • Say in English: pescoço, mão, perna
    neck, hand, leg
  • Answer: Tell me about a nice place you've been to.
  • Answer: How long have you known your best friend?
  • Answer: Where did you go last weekend?
  • Say in English: cabelo, bochecha, cintura
    hair, cheek, waist
  • Say in English: calcanhar, tornozelo, dedo do pé
    heel, ankle, toe
  • Say in English: pés, dentes
    feet, teeth
  • Say in English: testa, língua, joelho
    forehead, tongue, knee
  • Answer: What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
  • Say in English: braço, peito, queixo
    arm, chest, chin
  • Answer: What's your favorite food?
  • Answer: What would you do if you had more free time?
  • Answer: What sports can you play?
  • Say in English: lábio, dente, boca
    lip, tooth, mouth
  • Answer: Do you live near the mall?