
Mix & Match Idioms

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  • To be Greek to somebody
    To be impossible to understand.
  • Hands down
    Without competition.
  • Till the cows come home
    For a very long time.
  • To keep someone's chin up
    To be happy.
  • To be tickled pink
    To be very happy.
  • To be as sick as a dog
    To be very sick.
  • To be a loose cannon
    To be unpredictable.
  • To be in the same boat
    To be in the same position or unpleasant situation as other people.
  • Rise and shine
    Wake up and be happy!
  • To hold someone's horses
    To be patient and wait.
  • To pull someone's leg
    To be just joking.
  • Close, but no cigar
    You were close, but you didn't make it.
  • To cost an arm and a leg
    To be very expensive.
  • To be/feel down in the dumps
    To be or feel sad or depressed.
  • To get a slap on the wrist
    Give someone a mild punishment.
  • To be or feel under the weather
    To not feel well.