
Phrasal verbs

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  • The alarm will *go off / be over* at 7:00 tomorrow morning because I need to be at work by 8.00. Sorry!
    go off
  • Could you go to the supermarket? We've *run out of / put on* eggs and oil
    run out of
  • We have to *be over / set off* at 6.00 if we want to get to the cinema in time.
    set off
  • A: When's your birthday? B: Next Saturday! I'm really *looking forward to / looking round* it because I'm having a big party
    looking forward to
  • Could you *turn the music down / turn the music up*? I'm trying to sleep!
    turn the music down
  • I bought this skirt online, but I don't like it. I think I'm going to *give it back/send it back*.
    send it back
  • I don't like this book very much, but Martin says I should *go on / get off* reading it because it gets better.
    go on
  • I think I drink too much coffee. I should *give it up / look it up*.
    give it up
  • I need to *write down / look up* his phone number or I'll forget it!
    write down
  • Can you send me a link to that travel blog? I want to *find out / set off* things to do in Valencia.
    find out
  • I really can't cook. I tried to make a cake last week, but we had to *throw it away / give it up*.
    throw it away
  • A: That's a really nice shirt B: They have it in your size. Why don't you *turn it on / try it on*?
    try it on
  • Do you want to go home now? I'm leaving and I could *drop you off/ take you out* on the way
    drop you off
  • I didn't know how to pronounce quiet untill *looked it up / turned it up* in the dictionary
    looked it up
  • It's snowing! Are you going outside? You should *put on / take off* a warm jacket.
    put on
  • To get a passport you have to *write down / fill in* two forms
    fill in
  • I had to *look for / look after* my mother last week because she was ill
    look after
  • Nicola is *looking for / looking up* a new flat. She doesn't like where she's living now.
    looking for
  • I can't hear what they're saying on the news! Could you *turn up / turn off* the volume?
    turn up