
A Dangerous Situation

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  • What did John see when he went past the dam?
    While he was cycling past the dam, he saw a crack in the wall of the dam. Water was coming from the crack. It was going to flood the town.
  • Where was John going?
    He was going / cycling to a lake near the town
  • Where was the town?
    It was in Cranford.
  • What's the full name of John?
    John Anderson
  • What did he do when he saw a crack in the wall of the dam?
    He turned around and cycled back to the town as fast as possible. When he reached the town, he shouted, 'The dam's breaking!', 'The dam 's breaking!'
  • What did people do when they heard that the dam was going to break?
    Everyone grabbed their children, pets and things and ran indoors.
  • How did Mrs. Roberts saved John?
    John was cycling past the post office, Mrs. Roberts shouted, 'Quick come in here.' He ran into the post office and Mrs. Roberts shut the door.
  • Who saved John?
    Mrs. Roberts.
  • What were people doing when he reached the town?
    They were shopping and some children were playing.
  • Why was John going to the lake?
    He was going fishing.
  • What did the flood do?
    It picked up cars and carried them down the street like toys. It was very scary.
  • How does John feel now after the disaster is over?
    He feels unhappy because he can't go fishing because he hasn't got a lake!