
Mark 11

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  • What happened to the tree that Jesus cursed?
    It withered
  • When Jesus entered Jerusalem, where did he go?
    to the temple
  • What was special about the tied colt in chapter 11?
    It has never been ridden/ no man has ever sat on it
  • When approaching Jerusalem what is the name of the mountain that Jesus came across?
    Mount Olives
  • What type of tree did Jesus see from a distance from Bethany?
    A fig tree
  • What did Jesus tell his disciples to do with the tied animal in chapter 11? (kill it?/sell it? pray for it? bring it to Him?)
    bring it to him
  • What did Jesus tell the fig tree?
    "May no one ever eat fruit from you again."
  • What did the chief priest and teachers ask Jesus when they arrived again in Jerusalem?
    Who gave you authority?
  • What did the people do for Jesus as he came into Jerusalem?
    They spread their cloaks (graments) on the road, while others spread branches.
  • What did Jesus tell the people they turned the temple into?
    a den of robbers
  • What did Jesus ride into Jerusalem?
    a donkey colt
  • When Jesus threw back the question to the chief priests,law teachers,and elders as to who gave Him authority, what did they answer?
    We don't know.
  • Did anyone ask the disciples what they were doing with the animal in chapter 11?
  • What did the disciples put on the animal when they brought it back to Jesus?
    Their coats/ cloaks/ garments
  • What did Jesus ask the disciples to go get?
    a donkey colt
  • After going to the temple, when it got late , where did Jesus go?
    to Bethany
  • Who was Jesus driving out of the temple?
    The people buying and selling goods
  • What did the chief priest and teachers want to do when they heard what Jesus called the temple?
    They wanted to kill him