
Wait! What should you do?

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  • You have decided on the PERFECT Halloween costume. Mom says its too expensive. What can you do?
    Say okay and make another choice, try to make your costume, answers vary
  • Think of something you could ask Grandpa about when he was younger. Wait! Write it down! You can tell your question in 10 minutes
    answers vary
  • What is one of your favorite memories? Wait! Write down! Tell me 7 minutes
    answers vary. Good job!
  • You discover your little brother broke one of your favorite lego sets. You feel so mad. What can you do?
    use a coping skill, use positive self talk "It's okay, I can rebuild this"
  • You are hanging out with your best friend, and your little sister keeps coming in and bothering you. What can you do?
    Invite her to hang out for a few minutes, maybe once she gets some attention she'll leave you alone. Politely talk to mom. Answers vary
  • You accidentally spill your drink on the computer keyboard. Mom is on the phone, and you're really worried it could get broken. What can you do?
    politely say excuse me, write it down and show mom, get a towel and start cleaning
  • Another kid at school calls you a rude name and this makes you mad. What can you do?
    Ignore it, talk to someone, use a coping skill
  • You're rushing to get to class and forget to zip your backpack. It dumps out on the ground, and now you're going to be late to class. What can you do?
    Take a deep breath, pick it up, calmly explain to your teacher what happened
  • Think of a question you could ask a new friend. Wait! Write it down. Tell me in 5 minutes
    answers vary
  • During math class, while your teacher has their back turned, the class bully whispers in your ear that your mom is ugly. What can you do?
    Ignore it, do something unexpected- make a joke, agree, or compliment the bully, report it to the teacher, answers vary