
The Ear Year 3

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  • The ear has how many parts?
    3 parts.
  • Name the five sense organs.
    The eyes, the ears, the nose, the tongue and the skin.
  • What sticky substance PROTECTS your ears from dirt and infection?
    EARWAX protects your ears from dirt and infection.
  • Sound waves hit the _______ in the middle ear and make it vibrate.
    Sound waves hit the EARDRUM in the middle ear and make it vibrate.
  • Name the three parts of the ear. o____ ear, m______ ear and i____ ear.
    OUTER ear, MIDDLE ear and INNER ear.
  • Can you name five parts of the ear?
    Outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, canal, and eardrum.
  • What is earwax?
    It´s a sticky substance that protects your ears from dirt and infection.
  • The _____ reads the signals and tells you what you are hearing.
    The BRAIN reads the signals and tells you what you are hearing.
  • _____ _____ enter through the outer ear.
    SOUND WAVES enter through the outer ear.
  • I can ____ with my ears. Name the sense.
    I can HEAR with my ears.
  • Your _____ are the organs of hearing.
    Your EARS are the organs of hearing.
  • Name three objects that make sounds.