
Let's Talk About Poland

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  • What's the name of the official Polish currency?
  • How many countries does Poland border?
  • What is another name for a winsent?
    The European bison.
  • What are the major industries in Poland?
    Mining, steelworks, and machinery production.
  • What was the first capital city of Poland?
  • How many national parks are there in Poland?
  • What's the population of Poland?
    Over 38000000
  • What's the size of Poland?
    Over 312 000 square kilometers. (312 696)
  • How many lakes are there in Poland?
    over 1300
  • What happened in 1795?
    Poland was conquered and divided up among Russia, Prussia (now Germany), and Austria. (The Third Partition of Poland)
  • What countries does Poland border?
    Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Russia (Russian Kaliningrad), Lithuania
  • What is the dominant religion in Poland?
    Roman Catholic
  • Name at least three Europe's endangered species that can be found in Poland.
    brown bears, wild horses, chamois goats, Eurasian lynxes, gray wolves
  • Who was the first prince of Poland?
    the Slavic chief Mieszko
  • When was martial law declared in Poland?
    13 December 1981
  • What's the official name of Poland?
    Republic of Poland
  • When did Cardinal Karol Wojtyla become the first-ever Polish pope?
    in 1978
  • Who announced martial law in Poland?
    General Wojciech Jaruzelski
  • What are the major rivers in Poland?
    the Vistula, the Oder, the Warta
  • When did Poland join the European Union?
    in 2004
  • What is the highest peak in Poland?
  • How long was Poland off the map?
    123 years
  • When was the Polish Communist Party dissolved?
    In 1990.
  • When did John Paul II die?
    in 2005