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  • Which uses more water a bath or a shower?
  • How much of the water on Earth is fresh water?
    Only 3% is fresh water. 2% is frozen, 1% is liquid.
  • Say two ways we use water in the kitchen.
    Example: cooking, washing the dishes, using the dishwasher
  • About how many litres of water do we use for cooking?
  • How many litres of water do we use when we take a 90 second shower?
  • Say three ways you use water every day.
    Examples: Wash my face, drink water, have a shower
  • How many litres of water do we use when we take a bath?
  • Which continent has the least amount of safe drinking water available?
  • What is this? _____  ____
    water drop
  • Water on Earth is mostly made up of _ _ _ _ water.
  • How old is our water?
    3 billion years old (
  • How many litres of water do you use when you flush the toilet?
    9 litres
  • Do people need fresh water or salt water to drink?
    fresh water
  • Which uses more water a hose or a bucket?
  • What can we use to collect rain water?
    A water butt