
AS5_Unit 1_correct mistakes

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  • The smoke alarm suddenly ______ (ring) while my dad _____ (cook) dinner.
    The smoke alarm suddenly rang while my dad was cooking dinner.
  • Your grandma ____ (arrive) while you _____ (watch) TV.
    Your grandma arrived while you were watching TV.
  • I _____ (walk) into the bank while the men ____ (rob) it.
    I walked into the bank while the men were robbing it.
  • What is the past form of the verb: stop
  • What are the synonyms of the word: scared
    terrified, frightened
  • My mother _____ (help) the driver while we ____ (wait) for the ambulance
    My mother helped the driver while we were waiting for the ambulance
  • I ______ (take) a lift when all the lights _____(go) out
    I was taking a lift when all the lights went out
  • The car accident ______ (happen) while we ______ (rehearse) for the school play.
    The car accident happened while we were rehearsing for the school play.
  • When do you go to the hospital? When you have an.... (vocabulary)
  • What form of the verb is NOT correct: study, studies, studied, is studying, is studing
    is studing
  • What is the past form of the verb: hear
  • The teacher ________ (explain) a maths activity when we suddenly _____ (see) the smoke
    The teacher was explaining a maths activity when we suddenly saw the smoke
  • What is the past form of the verb: hit
  • Three million people _____ (sleep) when the power cut _____ (hit)
    Three million people were sleeping when the power cut hit
  • What is the past form of the verb: say
  • We _____ (study) in the library when we _______ (hear) the fire alarm.
    We were studying in the library when we heard the fire alarm.