
GKB Unit 1, Lesson 9

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  • ___ is a firefighter.
    He/she  is a firefighter.
  • Where does she go?
    She goes to the library.
  • Where do the toy bears live?
    The toy bears live in the house.
  • ___ is a teacher.
    She is a teacher.
  • ___ is 10 years old.
    She is 10 years old.
  • What do they like to do?
    They like to run. 
  • What do they like to do?
    They like to play on the swings.
  • ____ walk to the park.
    They walk to the park.
  • Where do they go? What do they do?
    They go to the park. They play on the slide.
  • The panda likes to play __ ___ ________.
    The panda likes to play on the slide.