
Tattling vs. Telling

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  • Jasmine stole Jennifer's iPhone out of her backpack
    Telling - this is not my business, nobody is in danger or getting hurt, but this is MAJOR because stealing is serious
  • David threatened to beat up Matthew after school.
    Telling - this is not my business, somebody is in danger of getting hurt, this is a MAJOR problem because it is serious
  • What is a MAJOR problem?
    serious, big problem
  • Jayme and Stephen were kissing in the hallway
    Tattling - it's not my business, nobody is in danger or getting hurt, this is a minor problem
  • Samuel brought a gun to school
    Telling - this is my business, somebody is in danger and could get hurt, this is a MAJOR problem because it is serious
  • Jennifer told you that she is cutting herself because she's sad.
    Telling - it is not my business, she is in danger, she can get hurt, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • David saw that Seth posted a threat about shooting up the school on Discord.
    Telling - this is my business, people are in danger and could get hurt, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • Justin is spreading rumors about Jake.
    Telling - this isn't my business, nobody is in danger but Jake could get hurt emotionally, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • Kim is passing notes to Alex
    Tattling - this isn't my business, nobody is in danger, and nobody could get hurt, this is a minor problem.
  • Stephen is using his phone in class when the teacher turns her back away.
    Tattling - this is not your business, no one is in danger, no one can get hurt, this is MINOR because it is not serious
  • What is the main difference between telling and tattling?
    Safety of others
  • What is a MINOR problem?
    not serious, small problem
  • If people know that you tattle on MINOR problems, what will likely happen?
    You will get a bad reputation and others won't want to be your friend.
  • If you're absolutely unsure if you should tell or not, what should you do?
    Tell an adult in PRIVATE
  • Stephanie is telling everyone that Kim wets the bed.
    Telling - this isn't my business, nobody is in danger but Kim could get hurt emotionally, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • Jessica is going to meet a boy after school that she met online.
    Telling - this isn't my business, she could be in danger and could get hurt, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • Why should you tell an adult in private?
    So that others won't know that it was you that told
  • Why could tattling become a problem?
    You could get a bad reputation
  • Eva tripped Ryan when he was walking to class.
    Telling - this isn't my business, Ryan is in danger of getting hurt, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • Joseph was laughing at Matthew because he tripped.
    Tattling - this isn't my business, nobody is in danger or getting hurt, this is MINOR because it's not serious
  • Kevin threw food a Kurt during lunch.
    Telling - this isn't my business, nobody is in danger but Kurt is getting hurt emotionally, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • You overheard Payton tell Ethan that he is taking pictures of David in the bathroom.
    Telling - this is not your business, David is not in danger, David could get hurt emotionally, this is MAJOR because it is serious
  • Paul was cheating on his history test
    Telling - this is not my business, nobody is in danger of getting hurt, this is a MAJOR problem because it is serious
  • Kurt brought a vape pen to school
    Telling - this isn't my business, he is in danger and could get hurt, this is a MAJOR problem because it is serious