
NHF6 Unit 1 Practice

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  • What were you doing when the lights went out?
    When the lights went out, I was (+Verb -ing)
  • What happened while you were sleeping on the beach?
    While I was sleeping on the beach,... (past simple sentence).
  • Complete with your ideas: My parents agreed ...
    My parents agreed (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • Complete with your ideas: My friend(s) decided not...
    My friend(s) decided not (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • It's the place you go first when you arrive at the airport.
    It's a check-in desk.
  • It's the place of the airport where people leaving a country go to.
    It's departures.
  • What is a trolley?
    It's a kind of cart where you put your luggage to transport it more easily in the airport.
  • What happened while you were boarding the plane?
    While I was boarding the plane,... (past simple sentence).
  • What happened while the plane was taking off?
    While the plane was taking off,... (past simple sentence).
  • Complete with your ideas: I agreed...
    I agreed (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • What's this?
    It's fuel.
  • It's the place where you get off from the plane.
    It's arrivals.
  • What's this?
    It's departures.
  • Complete with your ideas: This week I started...
    This week I started... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: This month I started...
    This month I started... (+verb -ing)
  • It's where you normally put your luggage. It's bigger than a briefcase or your hand luggage.
    It's a suitcase.
  • Complete with your ideas: I decided not...
    I decided not (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • What were you doing when the plane took off?
    When the plane took off, I was (+Verb -ing)
  • It's a person that works in a plane. He or she handles the controls of the plane and make it fly.
    It's a pilot.
  • What happened while the plane was landing?
    While the plane was landing,... (past simple sentence).
  • It's when the plane stops flying and touches the ground at the runway to stop.
    It's landing (land)
  • Complete with your ideas: This week I enjoyed...
    This week I enjoyed... (+verb -ing)
  • What's this?
    It's a queue
  • Who are they?
    They're passengers.
  • Complete with your ideas: This year I started...
    This year I started... (+verb -ing)
  • What's this?
    It's a runway.
  • It's the things and bags you can get on the plane with you.
    It's hand luggage.
  • What happened while you were pushing the trolley?
    While I was pushing the trolley,... (past simple sentence).
  • What's this?
    It's customs
  • Complete with your ideas: I imagined...
    I imagined ... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: I suggested...
    I suggested... (+verb -ing)
  • Who are they?
    They're flight attendants
  • What happened to him?
    He missed a flight (miss a flight)
  • It's the place where you can wait for people coming into your country by plane.
    It's arrivals.
  • It's a piece of paper they give you at the check-in desk.
    It's a boarding pass.
  • What happened while you were listening to the announcement?
    While I was listening to the announcement,... (past simple sentence).
  • Who is he?
    He's a passenger.
  • It's the first place where you show your passport and where they give you your boarding pass.
    It's a check-in desk.
  • What's this?
    It's arrivals.
  • It's like a road where planes can take off from or land.
    It's a runway.
  • Complete with your ideas: I agreed not...
    I agreed not (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • Who is he?
    He's a flight attendant.
  • Who is she?
    She's a flight attendant.
  • What's this?
    It's departures.
  • Complete with your ideas: Today I enjoyed...
    Today I enjoyed... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: My parents decided not ...
    My parents decided not (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • What happened while the flight attendant was talking?
    While the flight attendant was talking,... (past simple sentence).
  • It's a place where you give your suitcase, show your passport and they give you the boarding pass.
    It's a check-in desk.
  • Complete with your ideas: My parents agreed not...
    My parents agreed not (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • What's this?
    It's hand luggage.
  • What happened while you were walking in the park?
    While I was walking in the park,... (past simple sentence).
  • What's this?
    It's an announcement.
  • It's a ticket that allows you to board a plane.
    It's a boarding pass.
  • Complete with your ideas: My friend(s) agreed...
    My friend(s) agreed (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • It's when a plane starts flying and separates from the ground.
    It's taking off (take off)
  • Complete with your ideas: My friend(s) decided ...
    My friend(s) decided (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • What's the plane doing?
    It's taking off (take off)
  • It has got wheels and you can push it or pull it to carry your luggage more easily.
    It's a trolley.
  • Who is she?
    She's a passenger.
  • Complete with your ideas: I decided...
    I decided (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • Complete with your ideas: My teacher agreed...
    My teacher agreed (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • It's a kind of cart where you put your luggage to transport it more easily in the airport.
    It's a trolley.
  • What's this?
    It's a gate.
  • What's this?
    It's a pilot.
  • Complete with your ideas: I can't imagine...
    I can't imagine ... (+verb -ing)
  • What happened while you were taking photos?
    While I was taking photos,... (past simple sentence).
  • Complete with your ideas: My friend(s) suggested...
    My friend(s) suggested... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: My mum suggested...
    My mum suggested... (+verb -ing)
  • What's this?
    It's a runway.
  • What's this?
    It's a trolley
  • It's the place of the airport where people travelling out of a country go to.
    It's departures.
  • What happened while you were waiting in the queue?
    While I was waiting in the queue,... (past simple sentence).
  • What were you doing when the plane landed?
    When the plane landed, I was (+Verb -ing)
  • What's this?
    It's fuel.
  • Complete with your ideas: This month I enjoyed...
    This month I enjoyed... (+verb -ing)
  • What's this?
    It's a check-in desk.
  • What happened while you were painting?
    While I was painting,... (past simple sentence).
  • Complete with your ideas: I didn't enjoy...
    I didn't enjoy... (+verb -ing)
  • It's a paper that you can use to get on a plane and fly to another place.
    It's a boarding pass.
  • What's this?
    It's a check-in desk.
  • What happened while the plane was flying?
    While the plane was flying,... (past simple sentence).
  • What's this?
    It's a boarding pass.
  • Complete with your ideas: My parents decided ...
    My parents decided (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • It's a person that works in a plane but who is not the pilot.
    It's a flight attendant.
  • What are they doing?
    They're boarding a plane (board a plane)
  • It's a line of people waiting for something.
    It's a queue
  • It's a person that works in a plane. He or she gives safety advice to passengers and brings them food and drinks.
    It's a flight attendant.
  • It's the track of asphalt where planes land and take off from.
    It's a runway.
  • It's the first place you go to when you arrive at the airport.
    It's a check-in desk.
  • Complete with your ideas: My dad suggested...
    My dad suggested... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: This year I enjoyed...
    This year I enjoyed... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: Suddenly, he/she started...
    Suddenly, he/she started... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: This morning it started...
    This morning it started... (+verb -ing)
  • Complete with your ideas: My friend(s) agreed not...
    My friend(s) agreed not (+ to + verb infinitive)
  • What's the plane doing?
    It's landing (land)