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  • TRUE or FALSE: This picture shows convection.
    True, When heat is transferred through gas or liquid as the hotter material moves to a cooler area it is convection.
  • TRUE or FALSE: Sound energy is Energy in the vibration of particles in an object.
  • TRUE or FALSE:Thermal energy is energy that travels as waves, can move through space.
    False, it is Light Energy
  • What will happen if we keep using so much of the fossil fuels found on Earth?
    They will run out and we will not be able to use them for energy anymore. They will contribute to more contamination and global warming.
  • What is the difference between renewable and non renewable energy?
    Renewable energy is made with resources that can be restored again. Non renewable energy is made with resources that can not be restored again.
  • TRUE or FALSE: This picture shows conduction.
    True, conduction happens when something hotter touches something cooler, causing heat to travel.
  • Give us two examples of nonrenewable energy.
    oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear
  • TRUE or FALSE: This picture shows radiation.
    True, When heat travels through ain in invisible waves it is called radiation.
  • TRUE or FALSE:Potential energy is Energy that is stored in an object.
  • Give us two examples of renewable energy.
    solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, biofuel
  • What is energy?
    the ability to do work
  • TRUE or FALSE:Kinetic energy is energy that comes from heat.
    False, it isThermal Energy
  • TRUE or FALSE: Electrical energy is energy of moving electrons; energy of electricity.
  • Name two types of energy that come from natural resources.
    Renewable and Unrenewable Energy
  • TRUE or FALSE:Light energy is energy that is moving or has the ability to move.
    False, it is Kinetic Energy