
Activities & Accomodation

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  • To leave a hotel after paying your bill
    To check out
  • To sleep in a structure made of cloth and supported by poles
    To sleep in a tent
  • To travel by canoe
    To go canoeing
  • The sport of catching fish
    To go fishing
  • To set up a tent outdoors and stay there for a short time
    To go camping
  • A place used for camping
    Camp site
  • To ride a bicycle
    To go cycling
  • To go on an excursion
    Go on a trip
  • To climb mountains - 15 Extra points if spelled right!
    To go mountaineering
  • To go for a trip in a boat with a sail
    To go sailing
  • To look around the tourist sites - 10 Extra points if spelled right!
    To go sightseeing
  • A place providing holiday accommodation in little chalets or flats, with restaurants, bars, swimming pools and lots of other facilities and entertainment for when visitors want a break from sun-bathing
    Holiday camp
  • To sit or lie in the sun so that your skin becomes brown - 10 Extra points if spelled right
    To sunbathe
  • A long walk usually for exercise or pleasure
  • A place to stay on holiday
  • Arrive and register at a hotel or airport
    To check in
  • Accommodation of which you share ownership with a number of people, for example you own a twelfth of the apartment so you have the right to stay there for one month every year
    Time-share apartment