
Too x (not) Enough

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  • Why can you solve that puzzle?
    Because I'm too smart
  • Why couldn’t Sue wear that dress?
    Because it was showing too much
  • Why can’t he cook?
    Because he's too clumsy / he doesn't practice enough
  • Why can’t you live in NY?
    Because it's too crowded / I don't have enough money
  • Why wouldn’t you learn Japanese?
    Because it's too difficult!
  • Why were you late yesterday?
    Because I didn't have enough/too much time to get ready
  • Why don’t you like my cousin?
    Because he/she is too annoying!
  • Why couldn’t you hear that noise?
    Because it wasn't loud enough / it was too quiet
  • Why does she like to eat fruit?
    Because they're not too sweet
  • Why didn’t you travel at night?
    Because it was too dark to see
  • Why don’t you eat pizza?
    Because I get too bloated
  • Why don’t you eat sushi?
    Because it's not cooked enough / I don't like it too much 
  • Why did Mark fail the test?
    Because his grade wasn't good enough
  • Why can’t she listen to me?
    Because she's too self-centered
  • Why didn’t you do your homework?
    Because it's too difficult / I didn't study enough
  • Why can't she play basketball?
    Because she's not tall enough / too short
  • Why did you read that book?
    Because it was too good!
  • Why didn’t he buy that car?
    Because he didn't have enough money.
  • Why can’t you drive?
    Because I'm not old enough / I'm too young
  • Why will you stay home tomorrow?
    Because I'm too tired / it's going to be too hot outside