
Double Comparative

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  • The (spicy) the food is, the (cheap) the price is..
    spicier - cheaper
  • The (rich) he becomes, the (happy) he is.
    richer - happier
  • The (big) a bottle you find, the (expensive) it will be for us.
    bigger - more expensive
  • The (fast) you drive in the city, the (probable) it is that you will have an accident
    faster - more probable
  • The (dangerous) things are, the (careful) I have to be.
    more dangerous - more careful
  • The (perfect) a diamond is, the (expensive) it gets.
    more perfect - more expensive
  • The (big) his dogs grow, the (safe) he feels
    bigger - safer
  • The (pretty) she is, the (easy) jobs she gets.
    prettier - easier
  • The (late) it is at night, the (loud) he plays his music.
    later - louder
  • The (long) she waited, the (impatient) she got.
    longer - more impatient
  • The (hard) you study for these exams, the (good) you will do.
    harder - better
  • The (lazy) you study, the (bad) score you'll get.
    lazier - worse
  • The (ripen) plums are, the (sweet) they get.
    more ripen - sweeter