
Wonder Vocabulary Multi Choice

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  • discriminate
    to run a long way
    to rob a bank
    to do an English test
    to treat someone badly just because you don't like them
  • confidence
    wanting to hide in a box
    watching TV
    knowing that you can do something well
    forgetting to take your homework to school
  • storm off
    to get cover from heavy rain
    to come home
    to walk or run away from something when you're angry
    a sunny day
  • self conscious
    kicking a goal in football
    growing long hair
    getting A+ for an English test
    being worried about what somebody might think of you
  • favourite zone
    something you can wear on your feet
    a part of a place you like the most
    a type of car
    a computer game
  • mispronounced
    making a cake
    guessing how to say a word
    spelling a word the wrong way
    saying something the wrong way
  • thesis
    a type of shirt
    a part of your arm
    a game you play with your sister
    a type of long essay or report on something
  • recollect
    to win lots of money
    to wear different socks
    to buy four apples instead of six oranges
    to remember something from memory
  • unexpected shock
    unplugging the TV
    a way of describing a dog sleeping
    something that happens you didn't imagine
    wearing a mask when shopping
  • What is this dog's name ?
  • make up
    to pat a cat
    to fight with someone
    to become friends again with someone after a fight
    to clean a room
  • graduation ceremony
    a birthday party
    an event at school when you have finished study
    a type of house
    a way of cutting pizza
  • anxious
    something you don't want to eat
    feeling scared or worried about something
    something that stops a boat
    a type of ant
  • surgery
    a medical operation performed in a hospital
    a type of hat
    a way to kick a ball
    something tasty to eat
  • wasn't cool
    too hot
    the air conditioner is broken
    not popular
    too cold
  • What type of bear is this?
    Teddy Bear
    Moon Bear
    Brown Bear
    Polar Bear
  • stare
    to read a long book
    to hide your favourite toy
    to look at something for a long time in sometimes a rude way
    to mix sugar in a cup of tea
  • advice
    a great name for a dog
    not liking something
    a way to play piano
    recommend something to help people