
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle Chapters ...

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  • Do you think Charlotte made the right decision by casting her lot with the captain?
    Answers may vary.
  • Why do you think the author mentioned the fears of the porters?
    As foreshadowing.
  • The story is told from the ________ person point of view.
  • Miss Doyle found out the history of the Seahawk's last voyage from ______.
  • The second mate's name is
    Mr. Hollybrass.
  • Mr. Hollybrass hesitates often when taking orders from Captain Jaggery. What does that reveal about his feelings?
    Answers may vary.
  • Why were the crew's quarters off-limits to Charlotte?
    She was a girl.
  • At what point did Charlotte finally recognize the captain's true nature?
    After he whipped Zachariah.
  • Of all the men on the ship, who could have put the carved head in the hold?
  • Why was Charlotte distressed to discover that she would be the only passenger aboard the ship?
    Becuase it would be wrong.
  • Although Charlotte had been spying on the crew, how did she feel in Chapter Nine when they began to spy on her?
    She felt scared and anxious.
  • Why did the captain show Charlotte the round robin and ask her to be his eyes and ears among the crew?
    He wanted Charlotte to spy on the crew for him, and to be able to identify a red robin if the crew was making one.
  • Why did Charlotte keep the dirk?
    Because Captain Jaggery and Zachariah suggested she keep it.
  • What does Zachariah mean when he says everyone needs "a final friend"?
    Someone to sew the hammock.
  • Why was Charlotte the only one to defend Zachariah against the captain?
    All the other crew members were afraid of what Captain Jaggery would do.
  • Why did Charlotte trust the captain?
    Because he was a gentleman.
  • Why did Charlotte lie to the captain about the person who gave her the dirk?
    She didn't want Zachariah to get in trouble.
  • Why do you think the carved head was put in the hold?
    To scare Charlotte.
  • What did the porters seem to fear?
    Captain Jaggery and the Seahawk
  • The story is being told by the main character, ______.
    Charlotte Doyle
  • Do you think Charlotte made the right decision when she joined the crew? Why or why not?
    Answers may vary.