
Speakout intermediate unit 1

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  • Correct the sentence: When you have to speak in English, what about do you always worry?
    When you have to speak in English, what do you always worry about?
  • My family is British Chinese so I speak English and Chinese. I'm b___________
  • I was born in Poland, so Polish is my m__________ t______________.
    mother tongue
  • I speak three f__________ languages: Spanich, French and English.
  • My friend is American but she can speak Polish very well. She sounds like a n_________ s__________
    native speaker
  • She knows computer j_________ because she works in IT.
  • One of the requirements of the job is f________ in English
  • Teenagers speak informal English, they use s________
  • Correct the sentence: Did you like to finding out about different countries?
    Did you like finding out about different countries?
  • Correct the sentence: You ever wished you had a different mother tongue?
    Did you ever wish you had a different mpther tongue?
  • If you want to memorise new words better, you need to have some l_________ s___________
    learning strategies
  • My grammar isn't very good, my a_________ is quite weak.
  • What's the noun for bilingual?
  • Correct the sentence: Which language wanted you learn when you were young?
    What language did you want to learn when you were young?
  • What's the adjective for fluency?
  • What's the adjective for 'accuracy''?
  • Correct the sentence: What kind of activity you helps learn new vocabulary?
    What kind of activity helps you learn new vocabulary?